Hidden Gems Introduction Post
Over the next couple of weeks or months, I’m going to share some short write-ups about ‘hidden gems’ in my part of Southern California that I’m discovering through my sabbatical time at Fathomwerx. (If you don’t know about Fathomwerx, it’s a ‘hidden gem’ I’ll write about shortly.) I’ll try to get my details right, but nothing I’m writing is official or meant to speak for the people or organizations I’m describing. If you want to learn more about any one of the topics I’ll write about, I’ll provide web links to get you started in your learning journey.
My purpose in writing about these ‘hidden gems’ is to make them more visible to my neighbors in the region. These ‘gems’ are all around us, and we either don’t know about them or we have taken them for granted and undervalued them. By writing about these ‘gems’, I show how our region is rich in human, technology, cultural, and natural resources that we can leverage together for regional Good.
The first gem I’m going to describe is the new Coast Guard Air Base in the County, and then I’ll write about Naval Base Ventura County. Other Navy-centric topics will follow. Stay tuned! And join in the conversation in the comments! And you’re always welcome to message questions or comments directly to me.
#ventura-county #santa-barbara-county #san-luis-obispo-county #economicdevelopment #didyouknow
(Note: these will be posted to LinkedIn, Mastodon, and BlueSky with a link back here.)